November 29, 2006

Whoa, I did WAY BETTER than I thought!

You paid attention during 40% of high school!

34-50% As much as I hate to admit it, this is probably the most common level. Turn off the tv and go to a library!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
Create a Quiz

November 27, 2006

Monday, Monday.

Well, well, well, look who we have here... a crappy Monday staring me in the face. What are you doing here, Monday, and why have you come to plague me? What did I ever do to you?

The day started with a dream... a dream where I got up on time and got ready, then went to school and arrived there EARLY. (The reason I was early is because I rode my bike onto the high-speed MetroTransit Train which speed along through the air. ... and there was no traffic.) But still I arrived at school an hour a half early, and was so proud of myself for being so prepared.

Then I woke up. And had to get ready for real... and I didn't comb my hair, which always leaves me feeling scraggly and ill-prepared for the day.

OK, so now I have left my car, and am walking downtown towards the building that my class is in. For a split second I thought to myself, "I wonder if I zipped my zipper this morning?" but didn't check, as I assured myself that I wasn't that much of a twit and wouldn't forget something so vitally important. I would never do something that "uncool"... in fact, lately I've really been trying to keep my "cool" meter between a measly 2 - 3 (out of 10,000).

As soon as I was sitting in class chatting to girl next to me, I looked down and my pants were laughing at me. So I zipped them up while watching my cool factor slide from 2.9 to 2.1. Oooohh.

After class ended I went into the commuter lounge (big mistake number 1) to check my email. I sat at a mini table and hooked my laptop up to the internet. Pretty soon the lounge was bustling with commuters who filled in the empty spots, and the conversations began. Unfortunately I don't have the gift of ignoring other people's conversations, and I began to listen subconsciously.

Dropper Girl sat to my right. You may remember her from my Blog last spring. She is a commuter as well as a dropper, but didn't drop anything on me, luckily. Next to her sat Old Kid (my cousin mentioned him...) and next to him sat the Commuter Group Ring leader, named Chris. Chris is a older, quite rotund man who sounds like he is giving the Gettysburg address when he talks. Pretty soon I was picking up on Chris's conversation...

"....and I finally got my new mouse for my computer" says Chris, "I went to this highly technologically advanced store in Maple Grove and picked up this indestructable mouse." He then pulls out a small pinkish purple mouse from his bag and hands it to a fellow techie in the room. "It's even washable" he declares, "you can literally put soap and water on it." I rolled my eyes. What's he gonna do, take a bath with it? But he went on, "And it's quite squishy, too. In fact, you can use it for hours because of it's great shock absorption." I stopped typing and tried not to sputter. I'm picturing a computer mouse off-roading in the Swiss alps, its cord swinging behind it as it does an ollie off a peak. Chris finishes his monologue with, "And it really prevents carpal tunnel in the wrists."

By this time my cool meter has sunk to a sorrowful 1.4 (even though my IQ has gone up) and I had to get out of there! I grabbed my computer and bolted from the room to check my mail.

Monday, Monday... what do I do with you?

November 21, 2006

Awkward Pose #213

Me and Mindy always like to re-create the Sears-style picture poses whenever there is a camera around. This is one of the best we've ever done.