January 08, 2007

In Question...

Here are some questions that people have been emailing me about my blog:

1. Hey Jeremy, what's up with all the small pictures you have been posting?
Well, I just figured out how to post directly from my cell phone to my blog, so all the these smaller pictures you see (that sometimes don't have a title) are coming direct from my phone.

2. Jeremy: why are you so dang cool?
Really good question, friend. I'm not really sure why I'm so cool, but I just am.

3. How come you haven't posted any semi-funny blogs recently? Everything seems so heavy and boring.
Well, that's true. Life has been hard lately, but luckily I'm doing better. God is really bringing me into a place where I can see light on the horizon! But I promise to get back to the stupid pointless blogs soon.

4. Hey, how come dogs are better than cats?
There are too many reasons for me to list, so I'll just write down the top 3: they like you, they don't act as though they are better than you, and they wag their tails with happiness when they see you.

5. Are these questions actually from real people or what?
I'm sorry, I cannot acquiesce to your requst.

6. Hey Jerbidy, what is the funniest thing you have ever had happen to you at work?
Hmm... probably the time this totally mini kid (who weighs like 10 pounds) told me in this high voice that he was eating a biscotti.


Unknown said...

Oh #$!&^ no you did not just dis cats like that. I must stand up for my feline family members and remind you of their cleanliness, warmth, intelligence, and overall cuteness.

Mindy said...

I have another question: If you could spend this summer on any place on earth, where would you spend it?