October 20, 2004


Part-Time Gardeners? Pre-Teen Girls? Party Time Gum? Pigs That Grow?

Nope, nope, nope. PTG actually stands for Piano Technicians Guild. Yesiree, the piano tuner is our next exciting topic of the month!

The PTG is actually something that exists... I assume it's an organization that protects the rights..of..the...piano...tuner.......err.... that's really weird. What are some rights that piano tuners have?

- "You have the right to tune that piano --- any note that's out of tune can be held against you in a court of PTG law."
-"You have the right to remain un-silent... any tools you need will be provided for your use (although will be from the 1930's and brown and rusty)."
-"You have the right to baggy pants, the more your butt crack shows, the better."
-"You have the right to being a really creepy, crusty old man like most piano tuners are. Any person(s) you creep out will add a bonus to your check."
-"You have the right to breath too deeply and loudly like you have constant asthma, like 68% of piano tuners do. The more flem on their carpet or inside their piano will result in a higher pay check."
Piano tuners have always given me this odd feeling... we've owned an upright a piano since I was born and every once and a while we have it tuned. The tuner is always an older, creepy, and very wheezy man. He's one of those people that makes you shudder....
Whoa, randomness.


Mindy said...

When are you going to post something new? You have fans waiting...

Katie Dugan said...

it's true jer! i anxiously await your next post....

-kuzin katie