November 19, 2004

Save the Last Brain Cell

"Save the Last Dance" --- a hip-hop groovin', styl'in movie that will make your head bob to the urban beats and dance songs of the new millennium. This early 2000's contemporary-urban "street style" movie was seen by every pre-teen/teen-age girl entering or currently in junior high. Each had the same secret desire floating through their minds - "When will someone see MY talent and discover my hot dancing ability?" Women who now deny this fact are lyers.

Can anyone honestly think this thought: "I can relate to Sarah." ?

Picture yourself there; the flashing lights and bumping bass pulsates through the club... The dance floor is packed (yet cool and breathable) and the alcohol flows freely to 16 and 17-year-olds who look at least 21. Sarah (the only white girl there) is dressed in low jeans, a hankie (on top) and 3-Ft hoop earrings. She shakes her thang on the dance floor, perfecting her dancing routine with her perfectly synchronized boyfriend, Derek. The crowd erupts in chanting, "GO SARAH! GO SARAH!" Hands bob up and down as the two do their synchronized dance groove over and over....and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until the viewer (ANY viewer, my 900-year-old grandma included) could do the dance with one hand, one leg, and a bunch of other necessary body parts tied behind their backs.

The next day in first hour, an energetic and alert Sarah looks around and smiles pleasantly. Her 3am bedtime has little to no effect on her studies, friends or teachers.

Meanwhile, out in the hall, a gun is being held to Derek's head. The principle walks by, "Good morning boys --oop, is that a 38? Oh, my bad, it's a 33... have fun guys." He continues his slow saunter to the teachers lounge where there is a massive teacher/staff party. He opens the door and beams of multi-colored light flood out onto the almost empty halls. He shuts the door behind himself and Ms. Benson, the librarian, grabs his hand and pulls him onto the dance floor...."aaaahhhhh.. FREAK OUT!"

"Yo, D - if you ain't got my back tonight, I don't know if I can let you date....her." Derek's "friend" holds the gun closer to his head. Derek, who has obviously gone to a different school for English class, replies with a professor-like attitude. "First of all---G--- (he rolls his eyes) "ain't" is not a word. And no, I don't have your back tonight. I will hang out with you and your "peeps" (he does the quotes thing with his fingers) but I am not going to hurt anyone. This highly violent culture has obviously intoxicated you in an irrepriable way."

"Dude...huh?" Home-G-Doggy-Dog Bone looks confused, but Derek continues.

"And please don't "diss" Sarah... there's something going on with her and I need find out what it is."

*** Later that night...***

With the covers pulled up close around her, Sarah cries uncontrollably. (Movie critics still wonder to this day how Julia Stiles has perfected the art of weeping with no facial expression.) Derek sits by her side as she sits up and immediately stops crying. "My mom died" she says bluntly as she clips on her new 7-ft hoop earrings and drops her fake ID into her purse... "now let's go do 'diss thang!" They jump up and start to do their synchronized dance (AGAIN) but then luckily TBS goes to a commercial.

What a movie!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Ok, I have NEVER wanted to see this movie. But you just made certain that I never will, even if I am coerced and/or bribed. Thank you, my fine friend.