March 08, 2005

Mary Perez

This post has been laying around my backoffice, taking up memory...


July 15, 2004


(A really nasal annoying fuzzy voice) "MARY PEREZ?"


"Mary Per-ez? Is that you? I'm calling for a Mary Perez."

I'm confused.

"Uh, I don't know who that is... you have the wrong phone number."

"There's no Mary Perez here? Mary Perez?"

"NO." Now I'm getting ticked...and gosh, how many more times could she say 'Mary Perez'?

July 21, 2004:
Same thing as above.

July 31; August 4,6,7,16,18,29:
Same thing as above.


If you know who she is, email me. If you have any idea who this is... please, PLEASE let me know. Why am I so eager to get to know this Mary Perez? Simply because I believe her to be my soulmate.

"With Love" a poem by Jeremy Dahlen to future wife, Mary... the love of my life.

"Oh Mary, your gentle face,
Caresses my eyes with ocean spray.
You're deep stare, reels me in on your
fishing pole of love.
You're crisp attitude welds me
To the ring I wear.
Unleashed... our Love."

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